
Useful Resources for Various Astronomical Phenomenon

(Free) Star Charts

An Online Library to Free Star Charts on many of the most popular things to look for in the Night Sky



The Moon

Every month, there are a number of interesting observational experiences related to the Moon. we will highlight them in this space.




Current information about observing the Planets


Information about observing the Planets

Minor Planets, Asteroids & Comets

This is about the Minor Planet Centre and recent information about these objects and how to find them when observing.

Comets of Interest

Currently observable comets that will be bright enough to see with modest astronomical equipment or less.   In the comming weeks in the Mid to Northern latitudes.


We will periodically update the information from a variety of sources on the net.

Links to other sites that are the source or have more information.
More Information


Satellites launched in recent times have come to crowd the nights skies,  we see them all the time, this is about events of note about these.



Occultations are events where a closer objects to us hides something further away.   Eclipses are a special case. 



Information on current Aurora Activities

Looking to see the Northern Lights is an fascinating endeavour.  Making this possible is a matter of following the activity on the sun itself, and finding a good location and a time with Clear Skies after dark. 

Variable Stars

Be part of the Science, and observe and report on Variable Stars.