Home for all things Astronomical - with a Canadian Perspective

Welcome, On this site we will talk about current events in Astronomy, current events in the sky, announcements about events in Canada and near by, just good and interesting space news.  Roger Nelson, Editor

RSS News on Roger Nelson Astronomy

  • May 10, 2024: An Exciting Date to Remember for Aurora Storms in recent memory May 29, 2024
    MAY 10, 2024 Aurora Storm Event Recently we were all Treated to an exceptional Aurora Storm. I went out with members of my family to see this from a dark location north of Calgary, and we were not disappointed. We ... Read More
    Roger Nelson
  • The Great Solar Eclipse Shadow Chase: April 8 2024 Solar Eclipse May 21, 2024
    April 8th 2024 Solar Eclipse Chase The April 8th 2024 Solar Eclipse Chase, an Account of the effort by Roger and Grace Nelson of Calgary Alberta to see the totality of the Solar Eclipse on April 8th, 2024. We left ... Read More
    Roger Nelson
  • Friends March 24, 2024
    I have connected with my friends using WordPress and the Friends plugin. This means I can share private posts with just my friends while keeping my data under control. If you also have a WordPress site with the friends plugin, ... Read More
    Roger Nelson

Roger Nelson's Astronomy Projects

I have been observing the Sky and Recording what I have seen for many years now.  On this website I share a selection. I also keep a Blog about the kinds of related things that I have been up do.   

Do consider visiting this site and enjoy reading the content that I have created.


RSS Portfolios on Roger Nelson Astronomy

  • May 10, 2024: An Exciting Date to Remember for Aurora Storms in recent memory May 29, 2024
    MAY 10, 2024 Aurora Storm Event Recently we were all Treated to an exceptional Aurora Storm. I went out with members of my family to see this from a dark location north of Calgary, and we were not disappointed. We ... Read More
    Roger Nelson
  • The Great Solar Eclipse Shadow Chase: April 8 2024 Solar Eclipse May 21, 2024
    April 8th 2024 Solar Eclipse Chase The April 8th 2024 Solar Eclipse Chase, an Account of the effort by Roger and Grace Nelson of Calgary Alberta to see the totality of the Solar Eclipse on April 8th, 2024. We left ... Read More
    Roger Nelson
  • Friends March 24, 2024
    I have connected with my friends using WordPress and the Friends plugin. This means I can share private posts with just my friends while keeping my data under control. If you also have a WordPress site with the friends plugin, ... Read More
    Roger Nelson

Comming soon:

  • Resources of use to observers. A Portfolio of sky images, submitted by readers, and also instructions on how you might submit your own work.
  • Subscription service that you can sign-up for and we will send you updates when new information is posted.
  • And Much Much More!  Just let me think about it.