About this site

My name is Roger Nelson, and I’m the Editor of this website.

This site if intended for the benefit of those interested in Astronomy to enjoy and enrich their experience of enjoyment of the Night Sky.  I had created a website that tells my personal story and shows information about the investigations and studies that I have done: Click here 

On this site you will find information of a general nature about Astronomy, for your reading enjoyment.  Below I will provide an outline of the types of resource material and information that I can gather from my extended contacts with people in the Astronomical Community both here in Canada and across the globe.

I am also interested in publishing stories submitted by astronomical people like you or I.

Roger Nelson, Editor


I have for some time, wanted to launch a website that would be of better service to my astronomical community.  In the past when I served on the Board as the National Secretary, I observed that the RASC was planning to replace it's print Sky News Magazine with a site similar to what I thought would be needed, I deferred to the RASC.  As my relationship with the RASC came to an end, I have given considerable thought to creating this site, but I did not move forward up to now as I had other projects that required my attention.

Now times have changed, The National Board of the RASC has abandoned the Canadian Astronomical Community with the cancelling of Sky News and mismanaged its relationship with members.  This site is an attempt to fill that gap.

What to Expect

  • Stories - both downloaded as a news feed and from contributors
  • Resources about what to see in the sky, and where to find information on developing astronomical stories
  • A place to submit your astrophotos
  • Information about events near you
  • A subscription service, and
  • Ads that will help pay for it all